Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Annoyed Enough

I have to say something, and I hope you hear me out. People who are seeking attention are really getting on my nerves! And why is that? I DON’T KNOW. There’s a woman on Facebook who keeps posting on her wall about nonsense for others or for me especially. It’s just so annoying with all her boastfulness. I have no problem seeing others post messages, but a TON from the same person and all she talks about is herself and how great she is. Now tell me what person wouldn’t get annoyed with that? If you’re trying to get some attention please don’t do it that way! I’m sure it’s not just me that’s annoyed with her. I won’t write the name of this person because I don’t want her to get embarrassed. But, I hope this person will read this and realize that it’s her I speak about.

I tried to ignore this individual and pretend that she didn’t exist, but I couldn’t ignore it anymore. I have better things to do than to be annoyed by one individual. Get a life woman and keep your boastfulness to yourself.

0 luvin: