Saturday, November 29, 2008

young man died at Wal-Mart Black Friday

A young man died today at one of the many Wal-Mart Black Friday sales across the country. The mob that killed him might as well have shot him down in cold blood. A coworker said "They took the doors off the hinges. He was trampled and killed in front of me. They took me down too...I literally had to fight people off my back." When other workers tried to go to his aid - they were also pushed down and prevented from going to assist him. If ANY one had helped him up or let someone through to him; he might be alive today. He was not the only person injured in this store or other WalMart stores today - he was just the worst case. This is nothing new; EVERY year someone is seriously injured or killed at a Wal-Mart Black Friday sale. You do not hear reports of this happening at ANY other store. Perhaps it is time for Wal-Mart to be held accountable for these incidents. Why is Wal-mart the only store with this problem? If Wal-Mart is unable to prevent this type of behavior by their customers - maybe they should be banned from having these sales in the future? What do you think about this problem? Is saving a few dollars really worth someone's life?

0 luvin: