Wednesday, March 5, 2008

about moi

About me
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Pixel Icons at Ego Box SHe iS frOm tHe sUnNy ☀ islaNd Of tHe PhiLiPPiNeS
Pixel Icons at Ego Box sHe is 24 years old this year
Pixel Icons at Ego Box but WiLl Be 25 in oCt.
Pixel Icons at Ego Box oH sHe feElS oLd,bUt hEck tHat,
Pixel Icons at Ego Box oLd peOplE aRe hOt 。◕‿-。
Pixel Icons at Ego Box HOROSCOPE: LibRa ツ
Pixel Icons at Ego Box STATUS: aTTaChEd 2 DinO mY ღ
Pixel Icons at Ego Box BACKGROUND: HaPpILy mArRiEd aNd blessed with a
wonderful son named Joshua ◕‿◕
Pixel Icons at Ego Box CHARACTERISTIC: pIckY┊friendly┊
Pixel Icons at Ego Box sTrIcT┊BuT oNly
Pixel Icons at Ego Box SoMEtImEs tHoUgH ✖‿✖

Pixel Icons at Ego Box (✿◕‿◕) LURVED (◕‿◕✿)

Pixel Icons at Ego Box sUn gLaSsEs┊nAil PoLiSh┊WhItE cHoCoLatE┊

Pixel Icons at Ego Box (✿◡‿◡) UNLURVED

Pixel Icons at Ego Box bEiNg FoRcE┊dEeP wAtEr┊SuShI┊dUsT┊
pLaStIc pEpZ┊

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