In what has blown up into a battle of he-said, she-said, he-said, the celebutante and her boy-toy visited the Fontainebleau, where the DJ was showcasing his skills during the 1OAK party at the Winter Music Conference.
Angello's techno tracks were giving Hilton a migraine, she says in her Myspace blog, so she approached the DJ booth to request a more danceable tune by Daft Punk or Bob Sinclair. That's when things got ugly.
"[The DJ] was so unbelieveably rude and all because I asked to play one good song," the BFF-seeker writes. "Then out of nowhere his bodyguard (don't ask me why he has a bodyguard, like he really needs one. Ha) pushed me really hard, that's when my boyfriend, like my knight in shining armor, stepped in and told the guy to keep his hands off me."
"I was just protecting my girlfriend," Reinhardt tells E! News. "The DJ's bodyguard pushed Paris. I stepped in. He tried to push me and manhandle me."
"For someone who claims to make records...don't come into a booth and ask me to play hip hop and then have your doorman slap me," Angello writes of the incident on his Twitter Accnt.
Angello's rep, Matt Learmouth, tells E! News the incident didn't quite go down the way the reality-star couple claims.
"She kept asking the DJ and got quite agitated with Steve about playing hip-hop and it was obviously his event, his music. He wasn't going to do that," the publicist says. "And then she asked one of her security guards to punch Steve, and one of her security punched Steve full-on in the face. Steve responded and ended up having a brawl with the security guard."
As the argument took a physical turn, hotel security had to intervene.
"I took [the bodyguard] down and five members of his entourage jumped me when I was on top of him," claims Reinhardt.
"Steve doesn't even have a bodyguard, and they said that his bodyguard attacked her," Learmouth says. "Steve is a quiet guy, but he had to act in self-defense and fought back. He started pounding on the guy, and it suddenly turned into a full-scale fight in the DJ booth."
"It was like something out of a fight movie, it was so frightening. I had never seen anything like it in my life," Hilton says before boosting her man's ego a bit. "Doug was...of course stronger then them all but one of the idiots punched him in the face and busted open his lip. There was blood all over, I cried I was so upset and scared."
"Both Doug and Paris are fine and no charges will be filed," Reinhardt's rep, Kira Costello, said in a statement.
As the couple heads to an appearance at a New Jersey Cub tonight, the scratch-free reality starlet, who doesn't mention whether or not police were called in the incident, will have to continue to nurse her Hills hottie's busted lip.
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