I'm not a crazy soccer mom, although I have watched a lot of movies with mom's on their kid's soccer game. Sometimes when there are conflicts between 2 kids, their mom usually take their place and then fight with each other. What's funny is that some of them take it to the soccer field.
I found this cute and funny video about The Sproutwells It's a cute little cartoon on you tube about a fruit and veggie family living among humans and they are trying to fit into the humans world.
After watching this video i figured out what the Sproutwell cartoons were really about... a site called freshfunds.Actually Sproutwells are avid users of Freshfunds.Freshfunds.com is like ebay, where you can bid on cool prizes, at the same time, support a healthy lifestyle. If you join the Freshfunds program, you can accumulate points that can be used to earn prizes, make charitable donations and bid on auction items.The following foods can gain you points:
* Chiquita Fruit and Veggie Bites
* Fresh Express Gourmet Café Salads
* Fresh Express Packaged Salads
Why not join us and be healthy and win cool prizes? Check the site and enjoy the deliveries just like the Sproutwells in the video below.
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