Friday, October 31, 2008
♣ Seeing Frugal with ZenniOptical ♣
♣ online or in the store? ♣
Thursday, October 30, 2008
♣ offshore banking web site promotion ♣
♣ mke up brushes ♣
♣ My.Suit Men’s Professional Fashion ♣
I remember when I purchased the suit for my cousin. It was a requirement in his school because he was a member of the business academy. And as you would know, “the suit” is the uniform for all formal and corporate businesses.
Recently, I’ve heard about this company called They specialize in Made to Measure suits that are customed to fit your size. They are located in New York and if you are in need of a great suit, I recommend you take a look at them. Their website is truly a unique experience. They educate you on what measurements are needed to tailor your suit. After that, they show you different styles and details of jackets and pants. Pictures of the fabrics available are also provided, “CN8S S095. Navy Stripe. 100% Wool. Premiere Fine.” in my opinion looked the best. Another asset they possess, is that their suits pricing start at a reasonable $495; that’s a great price considering the fact that their custom made. I can pretty much guarantee you’ll be satisfied with their product.
So, if you’re in need a suit or looking to purchase a new one, schedule an appointment today!
Make an appointment right on the web to have measurements taken at their mid-town store.
Thank God my cousin like his suit..Thank you so much MySuitNY.
♣ what do you think Face or Body? ♣
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
♣iblackfriday ♣
Christmas is almost upon us and for many, this is the most stressful time of year. With the economy being a bit sluggish many people have found Christmas down right depressing this year. Prices are climbing up higher and higher, while pay is staying the same.
But I have a suggestion. This year- do not allow the thought of Christmas present shopping bog you down with stress and worry! Many stores are feeling the crunch and it is leaving them desperate to drag customers in to spend their money. During times like these, you can often find some of the hottest deals out there.
One of my favorite days to go Christmas shopping is the day after Thanksgiving, also known as Black Friday. Sure the crowds can be a bit much, but some of the deals you are able to find and the amount of money you can often save are worth the hassle. Besides, you always have Saturday to sleep in!
Last year I spent hours upon hours printing our store ads, writing shopping lists and actually shopping. If you visit, you can get a head start on your shopping just by doing a little research. Many stores offer the same product, but one store might have it cheaper than the other. I have found that by doing my homework and shopping on Black Friday, I can usually save anywhere between $800-$1,000 on my holiday shopping budget each year. Some of my all-time favorite deal buster stores include Old Navy, Wal-Mart, Kohl’s and JC Penney.
Have no fear though! If getting up at 3:00 a.m. and heading out the door is not for you, many stores offer great sales prices to those shopping from home in their pajamas. Just remember- you may still have to be up at 3:00 a.m. to snag up some of the hottest deals, but trust me when I tell you that the experience is well worth the sore feet you will experience the next day!
♣ yahooo ♣

I got my make up pallete and brushes yesterday so so happy..i love the colors of the make up ohh i love love it...And the brushes are so soft.Now am waiting for my Dell'll be here next next week i think i dunno..but anyways am so happy that i got my make up palette..hehehe
Monday, October 27, 2008
♣ Promises rehab centers ♣
♣ Got it Finally ♣

Finally i got it..I really love the shoes.Now am waiting for the make up palette and the FLat iron.Next would be brushes again..hehehe
♣ alcohol treatment center ♣
Saturday, October 25, 2008
♣ I'm so MAD..GET IT? ♣
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
♣ Turbo Charger Pros ♣
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
♣ very useful tips to get shiny and healthy hair ♣
use it as last rinse on your hair after shampoo.
it will make your hair silky and strong or take one egg add a teaspoon of honey,two teaspoon of lemon juice,and one teaspoon of almond oil.
beat the mixture and apply it on your hair .
leave it for twenty minutes and shampoo .
your hair will become shiny and healthy when done this at least once in a week.
do you have any natural solution to share?
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
♣ Shrek ♣

alot of time in our lives we judge the book by its cover and pass our judgement, even in our relationship we judge a mate by his or her looks. But the story of shrek help me to understand that beauty is not outward appearance its whats in a person heart. I truly love the story it gives me a true meaning about life love and people, Its not what we see is always whats inside. Blessing!
Monday, October 6, 2008
♣ ceiling fans at farreys ♣ offers thousands of unique and pretty ceiling fans and ceiling fan accessories from more than a dozen popular ceiling fan manufacturers including: monte carlo ceiling fans, Craftmade, Ellington, Fanimation, Hunter Fans, Minka Aire, Modern Fan Company. Their modern ceiling fan search tool and customization system quickly helps find the perfect fan for your application so you can easily shop by ceiling fan brand or by ceiling fan style.
If you’re worry about your credit card information, Farrey’s have safe shopping promise. Their website is protected with firewall and monitored 24/7. So, you don’t have to worry when you’re shopping at Farrey’s. What are you waiting for? Decorate your home with Farrey’s products.
♣ I hate you ♣
When my hubby and I have argument I make sure I will never say this because if ever he told me that it would never leave my mind and I am afraid that he might do the same so when we have argument I just cry but I never say I hate you.
How about you do you say I hate you when you and your partner have argument? If you do how does it feel after the fight, do you feel like its normal or do you feel like you just decrease the trust between you and your partner?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
♣ Shop now at Shopwiki ♣
My friend, who is about five-months pregnant, has started shopping around for her baby’s clothes, accessories, toys and other baby essentials and products. She has been searching from every online store she could find and comparing prices. She did not know that there is a smarter way to shop online until I told her about the ShopWiki. With Wiki Buying Guides, you will discover the smarter way to shop. You can find the perfect products that you need from more than 230 million products available.
Just like my friend, if you are looking for products for your babies or toddlers, visit and shop at ShopWiki. Just click the category “Babies and Toddlers” and you can now search and find the products that you need from major and small stores at great prices. At ShopWiki you will save time, efforts and hassle in visiting each and every online store and comparing prices.
ShopWiki has Gift Guides to help you find the perfect gift for any occasion. Since Christmas time is fast approaching, I would be visiting Christmas gift guides soon. Wiki Buying and Gift Guides are created, edited and moderated by the ShopWiki community.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
♣ EXcited ♣

The sandal that i ordered will be here next week so eager to wear i'm gonna buy a make up palette.hehehe. yeah i know am a shopaholic person...can't help it you know.hehehe...Here's the sandal that i ordered.
♣ web hosting geeks ♣
When I’m looking for the best web hosting, there’s no where else to go beside Web Hosting Geek. They have all web hosting resource I need. And even when I’m looking for best budget hosting, they have the list.
Thanks to Web Hosting Geek Now I don’t have to worry about picking up the wrong choice. recomended you to visit Web Hosting Geek anytime you’re looking for web hosting services.
♣ people*people*people ♣
♣ National Phone Book ♣
LOL funny story huh!!!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
♣ shopwiki ♣
♣ Bath & body works ♣
In the master bath we have a double sink counter. In the corner it's all B&BW, as well as under the sink, on top of the little cabinet by the shower, under my kitchen sink, on my night's everywhere. I have enough to last a full year or longer, yet I still get the stuff. lol. Because of my sensitive skin, it's the only scented lotion i've found that I can wear w/ no problem. Same w/ Victoria Secret(which is partners w/ B&BW). So far I've only taken to one of their scents--Amber Romance.
♣ Repair your bad credit ♣
♣ 7 tHinGs U shUd ReAlize AfTer CryIN oN a BreAk Up: ♣
For those broken hearted
♣ Bedroom Furniture ♣
I’ve heard of Modern Bedroom sets and Contemporary Bedroom sets before, but never really took the time to visualize what they looked like. That is, until I saw them on
Wow, the styles that fall into the modern category are very unique, indeed, but pleasing to the eye just the same. Some look very reminiscent of Japanese culture. The contemporary designs, at least one set that I saw, made use of the actual box frame the mattress rests on by converting it to a place you can store the sheets and comforter just by lifting the mattress on a hinge. Very nice.
If your bedroom is looking a little dated, perhaps it’s time to spruce things up a bit. Maybe an Italian Bedroom is just the thing. Or if a more conservative style is your thing, you can find it all at, what are you waiting for? order now and enjoy the better night sleep experience with the best bedroom furniture.
♣ Do you get attracted to shop often ♣
♣ Tampa realtors ♣
So guys don't spent days driving to local offices and surfing the internet to try and find a top agent in your area. if your looking for Tampa Realtors you can go directly to and rest assured all your means were there.
♣ Do you like to wear dresses? ♣
♣ NAA Life America's top source for mortgage life insurance ♣
mortgage protection insurance your family will be protected and never loose their home should the unthinkable occur.
Because your family depends on you. What would happen if you died tomorrow? Could they pay the bills? Could they afford the funeral expenses? Without your support, how would they get by? Who would they turn to for financial support?
Death is not a pleasant subject, but is often unexpected. Planning ahead is the only way to protect your family from hardship if the unmentionable should occur. More importantly, it's a way of showing your love and support during their most difficult transition.NAA Life’s mortgage insurance is not just a piece of paper, it’s an investment in peace of mind.
Did you know approximately 75% of all Americans are underinsured and don't find out until it's too late! Affordable life insurance can protect your loved ones even after you're gone.
Don't wait.Go to and contact one of the life insurance specialists today by filling out the form. They will work with you to develop a plan that fits your budget and coverage needs.
No one likes to think about their own funeral, let alone how it will be paid for. Make plans now with final expense insurance so your family won't have to face this additional financial burden. It's a responsibility you shouldn't ignore.
♣ What do you think is more important, LOVE OR RESPECT? ♣
♣ Personal Loan ♣
bad credit personal loan providers can give you an instant cash loan regardless of an imperfect credit history often within hours of receiving your application. The following are the top personal loans for people with a bad credit rating,along with links to their easy online applications. For most personal loans,home ownership or collateral is not required.What are you waiting for,go to and take the first step right now and fill out the short form and you're on your way to getting the cash you need.